Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Introducing my life in the 21st Century

Late last night I discovered something. I had just watched a movie where the main character was a writer and the entire movie her main character followed her around and only she could see him. I could relate to the fact that I can only completely understand my characters and that most people might think I'm crazy. But in that movie...he was really in her world. That's when I discovered...

I discovered that I had never introduced Kalid, my hero, to my world. So this morning I brought him into my world for him to discover me as I had discovered him in Lamora-Valkon. As I showed him around I discovered how little I knew about the 21st Century. I think I explained everything well enough...though he still has some trouble understanding electricity, computers, iPods, cars, and the like. And since I haven't yet brought any other characters to life in the pages of my novel, poor Kalid is all alone with me as of now. But I'm hoping to bring others out soon.

I don't think he minds it just being me though. He likes being visible to only me especially since we are both so alike. I do like having him around and being able to show him parallels in my life that are in his, though in different context.

Being a slave in Lamora-Valkon isn't going well for him so I hope that soon he will break out of that soon and that I will be nearby to write it all out when he does.

Until then...and until my next post...I will say goodbye.

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