Saturday, July 31, 2010

British Chocolate and Torture

My sister Erin just returned from her visit to Ireland and with her she brought some sweets. British chocolate is so amazing. It is a pure, delicious delight.

So I'm sitting at home enjoying this beautiful British chocolate as I'm torturing my main character by making him a slave in a foreign, hostile country. I feel so cruel!

See, Kalid Fania, my main character, is a slave in Lamora-Valkon, the evil country trying to conquer the land of Glenreden. He was captured in a raid as a young boy and has been enduring forced labor for seven years now. But things are about to change for Kalid I must put down my Flake bar and follow my character as his real journey is about to begin.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Click and Unfold

I love when aspects of your story, say characters, click and unfold.

Just the other day I realized in my writing that I needed something more for a certain character. Little by little ideas came to me. Suddenly, as the last idea came to my mind, that character's story unfolded. It clicked and unfolded. It now gives that character so much more depth, as well as adding to the surrounding characters and the plot.

I didn't realize that this normally happens until now. The other most recent one and the one that's still fresh on my mind was the one I just wrote on. When I finally accepted the fact that my main characters needed to switch, the story clicked and unfolded. It was incredible! And it happened again...and I hope will happen again soon as I continue to write and develop the story and characters.

I love when you experience something incredible and don't realize how incredible it was until it happened again. My story wasn't the only aspect of my life to be affected by this phenomenon...but that is another story all together.

"I am hidden with Christ in God." - Colossians 3:3

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Story Writing

I've been working on my story recently and I am thrilled to find the evidence of the Writer's Conference.

At the conference I had a revelation about my story. I had been struggling with a character issue. I had a main character but there was another character I cared about more and who developed more than the main character. I knew I needed to fix it but still hadn't. And now I'm glad I didn't.

I was hammered with character related teachings at the conference. The main character should be the one who changes the most, the one we end up caring more about. The one whose story we become most interested in. Well, with me, there was no hesitation knowing who, in my mind, my favorite character was.

My main teacher said that your main character isn't really your main character. I agreed with her and still saw the problem with my story and characters. And I tried to think how I could change that. The next morning, getting ready for the new day of teaching, I had my revelation.

My main character wasn't really my main character. The two characters needed to switch! After changing the main character, the story flowed and worked more than I could have imagined. And one of my critics told me that she was really glad that I had changed the main character because the new one had so much more potential for depth. I was so thrilled to get such feedback!

That brings me to another point. After the writers conference I saw what having a critique group could do. So soon after, I, for the first time, opened up my story and now have my sisters and some of my cousins all reading and critiquing my story. And already I know its going to be so much better with their help.

I also found that my writing in general has improved drastically since being there. I'm really looking forward to continuing my story and making it excellent...then hopefully I'll share it with the world. Dream Big, right?

Finally, I feel so blessed and am so blessed to be the one God has given this story to. He has given me His creative spirit and I have no doubt that He has given me this story to write. My deepest desire is to honor Him by writing it and making it excellent for Him. I just pray that He gives me help to do so and praise Him for His gift.

"Consider what great things He has done for you." - 1 Samuel 12:24